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Creative/Art Direction - Niyi Adeogun

Photography - Gessy

Models - Loic, Lox, Obembe, Shekinah & Johanna

Shoot Support - Michael Rukundo

In this collection, Niyi expresses his thoughts on creation and life in general through art. He intended to create "Untitled" with no established concept, but in every creation, there is an innate connection that leads back to the creator.


Project - 04.

Untitled  Art Collection

Location: FilmPEI

Untitled Lookbook

For this collection we partnered with Catalyst Clothing to have a fashion exhibition/pop-up at their store where the creative process behind each design was explained in detail to the audience.

No longer am I a slave to sin, No longer am I in the hands of the enemy, No longer am I under the control of the one who fears me. For a Man has saved me and those who follow Him are free indeed.
Dare to Crxte Differently.

Project - 03.

Free Lookbook

Location: Catalyst Clothing

Pop-Up Shots



Location: Kettle Black

Exhibition Shots


Niyi partnered with Rising Youth to have an exhibition at Kettle Black on Queen Street. ZeroResistance supplied and sold all the merchandise for the Genesis exhibition.

Genesis is Niyi's first solo art exhibition. The concept behind this collection was to create an expression of certain feelings humans face as a result of experience constructed by our society. The artworks express his struggles as a human and how he faces these specific situations. 

Project - 02.

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